My 10 Top Criteria

My top ten criteria for my students using the computer are:
1. Not all my students should be on the computer looking up the same things at the same time. This does make the computers run slow and slow up my lesson. Plus my students like to go off on their own websites and I don't always catch them.

2. The software needs to be able to be put in a program that will read to my non-readers. We use the program Kurzweil and not all things will go in there. This program will take websites or anything scanned to read to my students. Some websites aren't set up that way.

3. Students should have a knowledge befoing going online. If they aren't sure about some of what they are looking up, than it's harder for them to get information.

4. Audience. They need to know what type of audience they will have to know what websites are useful.

5. Content. This one is very important for my students as they are all at different levels. One student might look at something a totally different way another student will. Content is very important.

6. Credibility. There are tons of websites out there that you can't trust or just based off of opinions. I need my students to realize what websites are acceptable.

7. Visual Appeal. My students that need the visual needs to find websites that catch their eyes.

8. How recent the webpage was published. If it's on an important topic that's going on, my students need to make sure they get an updated website to get their information off of.

9. Biased Websites. Not all websites just give information. Some are based on feelings. My students need to understand so they are able to find the right website.

10. The last one is the students are able to find the evidence needed to support their opinions on the topic they are researching.

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